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Part 1: Delivering the Goods

Once the group is back at the ship and had a chance to relax, recover and shop, Abel will call a meeting of “Rising Sun” consisting of the group of six adventurers, Abel, Po and Lina.

“First off, I want to thank ye again for the good work you done in that forest. You made a lot of friends there and it reflects well on this ship’s reputation. We’re all very grateful.” He looks to the door as if trying to make sure no one is listening in and continues in a quieter voice. “I also want to discuss a couple things with you. First, you all have been through a lot with us and with not much information from our end of things. And although I can’t tell you everything quite yet; your patron still wants to remain anonymous, we are coming to trust your group more and maybe you are starting to trust us, eh?” He grins in his normal, scary way. “Well, I think you’ve earned a bit more information about the direction our little operation is heading. You all may have noticed from our earlier conversations and the little side adventure you just took, that we are not too fond of the Empire, er – Cheliax that is. I have never much cared for the fact that some shadowy devil-lords or whatever are secretly running a major country and possibly even a couple of neighboring countries. In short, we are fixing to be a thorn in their side or if things work out for the best, maybe a whack upside the head. Hells, we may even find a way of cutting off that outside support if you know what I mean.” His expression changes somewhat and he smiles with more kindness in his eyes than you have seen before, “So, now that you have proven yourselves to us, I want to give you the choice to continue with our little operation, or to go back to your own lives and homes. As I said before, I can’t give you all the details of our plans and those who design them, but when possible, I’ll let you know as much as I can to help you on these missions. And as for the rewards – you haven’t seen anything yet!”

He gives them a chance to ask questions or discuss. Once the group has decided to stay (or leave), he will begin describing the new mission.

“Very good then, let’s get down to business!”

Abel pulls out a map of the Inner Sea region and focuses them on the country of Molthune. Then he pulls out another map with more detail.

“Molthune is a nation that borders Cheliax, but as you can see there is a vast mountain range on that border. At one time Molthune was a region of Cheliax until they declared their independence and formed their own government. The Menador Mountain range helped the country maintain its independence as travel through the mountains is difficult at the best of times and impossible during the winter months. However, we learned of a trio of brothers, a trio of wizards who may be researching a new weapon for Molthune to help protect against Cheliax. The three brothers have not been heard from for the past year or so. Apparently, a strange violet aura has appeared around their homes and no one can make contact with them. We have made some preliminary negotiations with the government of Molthune to have you assist in the investigation of what has happened to the brothers. We believe that there is something more important being researched there, but can’t confirm that. Over the past week, we have been taking aboard a large supply of darkwood. Po has created a temporary extra-dimensional space within the hold of the Rising Sun to accommodate the lumber. We will be travelling in our own special way to Lake Encarthan and then to the port of Eranmas where their major shipyards are located. Once the lumber has been delivered, you will have Molthune government-approved travel accommodations up the main river, the Nosam all the way to the headwaters which is close to the brothers’ towers. Once there, you’re to check them out and see if you can find out what’s going on.”

He’ll pause for questions, etc.

“Once you have an answer, we’ll be waiting in Korholm at the mouth of the Nosam River for your return.”

That evening, Po will perform the spell to teleport the Rising Sun to Lake Encarthan (he has already scouted the area previously so the location is known) and the ship will put into port Eranmus in the early morning. The dockmaster, Rostov will meet the group and has the travel documents for the group, including passage on an oarship called the Nightwind which will take them to Cetigne (6 days). Once there, they are instructed to meet with Aleksi Kaledin at the River Guard headquarters who will find passage for them up to the headwaters of the river.

Part 2: Getting Their Feet Wet

I included the next part as an exercise in restraint and to emphasize the power that the party had gained sine they started. They are pitted against obviously inferior adversaries and I wanted to see how they would handle them.

The Nightwind is a marvelously agile, quick vessel. Manned by 24 rowers (rotated in 2 hour shifts), the ship can easily travel 60 miles per day (up to 72 miles) at about 3 mph. Under sail, the Nightwind travels even faster. The group will reach Korholm in the first afternoon and will stay in port overnight. Korholm is a busy sea port with hundreds of trading vessels, warships, barges and oarships well organized around a fortified seawall. Ballistae, trebuchets and catapults line the harbor and are constantly manned. 

Although the town of Korholm is relatively safe, the group will be required to present their travel documents several times during their brief stay if they leave the ship.


If the group leaves the ship, they will have the option of 3 good taverns: The Broken Mast (moderate, comfortable), The Stone Giant’s Nose (cheap, rowdy) and the Star of the North (expensive, well-attended). Once they are about in town, the group will meet an alluring wench named Cathlyn who will introduce the group to her two friends across the room and try to tempt them into joining them in a private room at the end of a long hall. If any of the group accepts, once in the room, a group of 3-5 thugs will attempt to press them into service by starting a fight and getting them arrested. If the guards arrive, they will be given the opportunity to swap a fine or jail for a year of military service instead. Two rounds into the encounter, one of the Nightwind’s crew (Fenly, Human, F3) will get the rest of the group and burst into the room issuing a stern warning to the ruffians.

“Stop this nonsense at once. These are not some wandering wharf rats or wet-foot rednecks to trick into your plan. They are travelling under the direct protection of the Governor and you’d best watch yourselves around them!”

The thugs will back off and quickly scurry away. Cathlyn will sidle by brushing her finger across their chests and sighing. “Oh what fun we could’ve had!” She laughs as she leaves.

5 Thugs
XP 2,400
Human fighter 4/rogue 3 
CN Medium humanoid 
Init +4; Senses Perception +7

AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 53 (7 HD; 4d10+3d8+18)
Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +2; +1 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities bravery +1, evasion, trap sense +1

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 spiked chain +12/+7 (2d4+4) or sap +10/+5 (1d6+1 nonlethal) 
Ranged mwk composite longbow +11/+6 (1d8+1/×3) 
Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+14 when tripping); CMD 21 (23 vs. trip)

Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain), Improved Feint, Improved Trip, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Weapon Specialization (spiked chain)

Skills Acrobatics +14, Appraise +5, Bluff +12, Climb +5, Disable Device +11, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +10, Intimidate +4, Perception +7 (+8 to find traps), Ride +9, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +14, Swim +5

Languages Common, Halfling

SQ armor training 1, rogue talent (finesse rogue), trapfinding +1

Combat Gear potion of invisibility; Other Gear +1 chain shirt, +1 spiked chain, masterwork composite longbow (+1 Str) with 20 arrows, sap, cloak of resistance +1, disguise kit, light horse (combat trained) with saddle, silk rope, smokestick, thieves' tools

When the group approaches Canorate, they will notice the huge circular walled city from a distance with its many spires and its impressive architecture. The ship will stay in town for an extra day to load/unload trade goods and the group again has the option of staying on board or leaving. If leaving for the first time, use previous encounter. Otherwise, nothing unusual will happen in town unless they make trouble for themselves.

The next port of call will be Cettigne, with its four grand castles and a fifth under construction and a huge moat surrounding the city with access by impressive bridges. One of the crew will tell the story of the once City-State with the flag of four white castles on a field of green representing the four periods of Cettigne’s history. The first castle’s gates has the words Duty, Honor and Trust written on it. 

The River Guard HQ is near the docks and Aleksi Kaledin will be easy to find, day or night. He and a small crew of 8 will take the group via private launch to the headwaters the following day, dropping them off in the shallows of a stream convergence about 20 miles from the Trilmsgitt Towers at a small town called Terek (pop. 250) If the group wants to buy horses or supplies, they will cost 2x book value.

Info regarding Trilmsgitt Towers:

DC10    Three wizards built towers in the far south to create new magic spells
DC12    They were brothers and were experts at teleportation, names are Nyl, Fedge and Ciuq
DC14    A strange purple glow comes from their towers and nothing living can approach (10 years ago?)
DC18    Used to be in contact with a shopkeeper named Horace in Terek (add+5 to roll if they find him)
DC20    The brothers are working on a secret project to help the Molthune army destroy enemies
DC25    It has been a little over 2 years since anyone has heard from or seen the brothers

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