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While I was doing some research into the Harrow Deck, I discovered the little Pathfinder module called The Harrowing and incorporated it into the campaign. This little diversion kept the PCs busy for several sessions in a strange Wonderland-like adventure. The module can be found HERE.

Part 6: The Prophet of Fate

Sirathu – Four days after leaving Janderhoff, the group will reach the small hamlet of Sirathu. One of the first things everyone will realize is that there are a larger number of people in and around the outskirts of the town than would be expected for a settlement of its size.

Since the town’s inception, a font known as the White Prince’s Fountain has stood dry in the market square. When it was originally constructed, the leaders of Korvosa promised it would be enchanted to provide limitless amounts of pure, clean water, so that the town might never need bother with wells. Before it could be finished, however, the collapse of the Chelaxian Empire drew the city’s attention elsewhere, and the fountain has stood dry ever since, a symbol of the nobility’s low opinion of the common man. A few months ago, however, a young local girl named Cassia was found unconscious next to the fountain, which now poured forth water so pure that it rejected even the dust of the air. And the girl, too, seemed changed, speaking sometimes as a child and sometimes in a stranger’s voice, warning those who would listen that they must rise up and break with Korvosa entirely before it’s too late. While not all of the locals have gathered arms and rushed to the child’s standard, the strange events leave little doubt among these practical people that, one way or another, change is coming.

Anyone townsfolk who are asked where the girl came from is unsure, but most think she arrived with one of the caravans a few months ago. No one knows where she sleeps or how she gets along, but most people now revere her and offer her food and shelter readily.


One week ago a group of ‘pilgrims’ came to see and meet the mysterious girl. They told the townsfolk that they were followers of Pharasma, goddess of prophesies and wished to meet her, which they did. They began spreading the word that she is blessed by the goddess and will soon be seeking all who follow Pharasma to bring them word of the Lady’s latest prophesies. In reality, they are powerful followers of Pharasma’s mortal enemy, Urgathoa, goddess of the undead. Their intention was to kidnap the child and use her to lure followers of Pharasma to their trap in a nearby abandoned tower where they would kill and give Pharasma the ultimate insult by converting them to undeath.

When the party arrives, the town is in a state of worry and anxiety. The girl has not shown up for the past three days and the Pharasma strangers are also nowhere to be found. They may have simply joined their prophet and moved along with her, but the last two nights several groups of minor undead, zombies and skeletons have been found near the town which are very rare in this area. If the characters decide to investigate, they may be able to track the group of 4 humans to the tower (they are carrying the bound child).

The zealots have had several days before approaching Sirathu to prepare their traps and lay in ambush. They are not trying to hide their tracks and anyone foolish enough to approach the tower will be caught. 

About an hour’s walk from the town is a squat, old abandoned square tower that some minor noble lived in before the town of Sirathu was even formed. Only two floors, but 30’ tall and perched atop a low hillock, it has partially collapsed in one corner, however there are still several intact rooms which are used sometimes by passersby or a secret rendezvous spot for amorous lovers. Two such unfortunates fell victim to the necromancers recently who have now been repurposed into formidable guardians.

1.    With a partial overhang, this large area has signs of many past campfires and prowling scavengers. The floors and walls of the previously interior parts of the keep have been badly weathered and vines and lichens grow here and there in the shadows. With a DC 21 tracking check, signs of recent passage to the stairwell can be found. 

All walls are made of stone and are about 1 foot thick. The doors are thick wood and iron and somewhat warped if on the exterior, so they need a DC 20 STR check to open. The windows on the second floor are boarded up loosely from the inside, but can be forced open with a DC20 STR check. 

2.    Guest suite is mostly empty except for a few pieces of stone crockery and some scratching on the wall. If examined closely, there is a dirty limerick regarding a well-endowed gnome.
3.    Guest room is empty although there are signs that someone has slept here in the past few weeks.
4.    At first glance, this room appears empty like the rest, however the zealots have placed a small tin coffer with a single copper piece with a Magic Aura spell on it along the far side of the room to lure people into the range of their creations. 6 advanced wraiths lie in wait just below the surface of the floor. When they sense the lifeforces above them, they will attack.

6 Advanced Wraiths CR 6

5.    Intact guest room – previous visitors to the tower have moved most of the salvageable items of the tower into this room including 4 sleeping pallets, a small table and 4 chairs. The ceiling of this room (in the area indicated) has been rigged to drop if someone trips a small wire running across the area. The falling ceiling will make a hole in the floor above. Anyone searching the room has a 50% chance of being in the area when the trap is triggered. Those affected can apply their search Per roll to find the trap.


6.    When the party heads upstairs, the group of zealots will emerge from their hidden location in the basement and wait for the group to be fully softened up. Then they will wait in the open foyer area behind walls to spring their final ambush.

The room is either empty with a hole in the floor, or has a wire trap that causes anyone in the marked area to possible fall through and have the ceiling fall the rest of the way. Add 3d6 falling damage to anyone caught in the trap. Same % chance of being affected as in #5. 

7.    Children’s room, there are a few pieces of furniture that an astute observer (DC 18 Per) may find are smaller than adult sized. Otherwise this room is empty.
8.    Caretaker’s room – the head of the household staff doubled as cook, nanny, squire and butler. Other than a few broken pieces of furniture, the room appears empty. However, a DC 26 Per check will reveal a hidden cache under a stone that holds a Ring of Sustenance
9.    The party is probably expecting the girl to be held in this area, but in actuality, she is underground in a hidden cellar. However, the zealots have placed another ambush for the group. A Greater Glyph of Warding (DC 31 Per and Disable) will activate, summoning 3 Shadow Demons into the next room who will attempt to surprise the group when they enter their area.


Once the demons are defeated, the zealots will release the gag on the child who will cry out for help. The zealots are waiting for the party outside. The child is chained by manacles to a heavy stone to keep her from running too far. They expect the group to either rush out to meet them (if they are stupid since they have readied actions) or sneak out stealthily and try to ambush/surround them. The zealots are readying their first action and are alert in all directions. They have also placed the girl slightly out of sight behind some rubble and away from the AoE spells.

The pair of death-worshipers have known each other for many years and know when they are outclassed. The two newcomers have only been with them for the past year but have proven to be formidable allies with similar interests and goals. Likewise, they will not foolishly engage in anything that may claim their lives. The group will fight confidently but not foolishly. They are good at detecting weakness and their ultimate goal is to harvest mortals for the creation of powerful undead.

Thama is a perfectly manicured woman in her late 30’s who has survived a long time with her companion Arlik. She is calm and calculating and completely devoted to her goddess. If brought to below ½ of her hit points, she will gather her friends and use a Word of Recall to retreat.

Arlik is a human wizard and old friend of Thama. Together they make a formidable team, using the powers of undeath to further the goals of Urgathoa. Arlik is an older man in his 50’s who has used contingencies to keep himself and Thama safe. If he drops below 50% of his hit points, he will use a free action to say a command word “obitus” after everyone is touching him and DD to the cellar and then t-port to safety.

The monk and rogue work together to take down melee combatants quickly. The group first tries to incapacitate their opponents with Blasphemy and Waves of Exhaustion then wade in to finish the job. They have no problem with coup de grace on helpless opponents.

Combat Sequence: (Precast    Round1    Round2    Round3)

Thama (C)    Bear’s End/Desecrate/Freedom/GMW    Blasphemy (40’ r) or Greater Command    Flame strike or Greater Command (halt)    Fire storm or defensive    
Arlik (Nec)    Mage Armor/False Life/Res En fire 30/See invis    Waves of ex or solid fog    Wall of fire or enervation or dispel magic    Waves of fatigue or baleful poly    
Stabby (R)    Apply Blue Whin poison    Flank w/ Ryo   Power attack    Same, but no PA if miss        
Ryoto (Mo)    Stealth DC26    Flank w/Stab if perceived, takes MI potion, stun attack    Flurry with up to 4 stuns or Lunge/stun        



If the group is successful in thwarting the Urguthoa zealots, the girl, Cassia will act as if she were expecting that and will be very friendly toward the party. However, her memory starts only when she appeared in the village square four months ago. She does not detect as magic, but with a DC25 Per roll, someone may spot a strange mark on her partially covered chest in the shape of a spiral. The townsfolk will agree to look after her better from now on.

Somewhere along the way Meridian got himself killed. The next section is the way that Sarenrae has facilitated his return. Some of this information was blatant foreshadowing, which Meridian had no way of knowing at the time. The party uses the Godstone to resurrect him.
Ruined Tower.jpg

Part 6a: The Dead Arise

To obtain most divine scrolls and potions, one must visit a temple or shrine of a sympathetic deity in a city large enough to have casters of sufficient level. Unless the group is planning to find a Raise Dead or Resurrection scroll, most religions will be able to provide the proper Restoration scroll(s). Din may find himself in an uncomfortable situation having to ‘beg’ at a temple. Unless the purchaser is of the same religion, there will be an additional 20% fee added on.

For Meridian:

You feel an excruciating blast of unholy fire tear the skin from your bones and an agonized cry from somewhere in the distance. Just as you realize that the cry is from you, merciful darkness falls over you and the pain is gone. For a while you float in a vast endless grey void but eventually feel a presence behind you. Although you can’t feel the ground beneath your feet, with a thought, you turn around. Facing you is a small girl of 5 or 6 years. Her features are rimmed with soft scales and her eyes are piercingly blue. She approaches you, apparently studying you in return.

This is Eshe, the GodStone incarnate and avatar of Sarenrae. She appears as a human child but with subtle draconic features. She will eventually ask “So, are you a dragon?”

As you are talking to the girl, you see the forms of two huge, but more vaguely humanoid shapes in the distance. When you try to focus on either of them, you find that they are not where you thought they were. It’s almost like they appear in your peripheral vision, but you can’t look directly at them.

If asked about them, Eshe will tell him that one of them is called Grand Dragon, the other one she does not know but says he has a funny hat. She tells him that Grand Dragon has given her something to give him. It is a small silver dragon’s foot pendant on a thin silver chain. She gives it to Meridian and tells him to put it on. She says that the one on the funny hat says “he’ll see you again.” Eventually she will cut to the chase:

“So, are you ready to go back to your friends? I think they really want to see you again.” She smiles at him and a wash of cool, sweet air blows across his hot skin, soothing and revitalizing. “You’re going to need to some time to recover, but let’s go.” She reaches out to take his hand and he will find himself grasping the GodStone in Tark’s hands. The medallion will offer the same protection and bonuses as Dragonhide Plate w/o the armor check penalties (+9 armor bonus, fully immune to electrical damage) and appears as a ghostly set of scaled armor when struck. 

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